ELITEA Platform Overview

ELITEA - Main Interface

The ELITEA's main interface encompasses several sections, including the Discover Menu, Search feature, Quick Navigation tabs, Settings, a Quick button for creating new items (conversation, prompt, datasource, agent and collection, importing entities), Tags, and Trending Authors.



  1. Discover Menu: A sidebar menu allowing users to switch among different menus such as Chat, Prompts, Datasources, Agents, Collections and Artifacts.
  2. Search: A Search box available to find prompts, datasources, agents and collections by their names and descriptions. Note: The Search functionality operates within the selected menu and is not universal across the entire application.
  3. View Switcher: A tool for quickly switching between Card list and Table views.
  4. Quick button: A button that allows for the rapid creation of a new conversation, prompt, datasource, agent or collection. The default of this button (+Conversation, +Prompt, +Datasource, +Agent or +Collection) changes based on the selected menu.
  5. Notifications: Notification's bell allowing user to get notified about various events such as prompt publishing status within the ELITEA.
  6. Project Switcher: A tool for quickly switching among projects.
  7. Settings: Accessible by clicking on your user avatar/picture. Here, you can configure various project and profile specific settings.
  8. Tags: This section displays the tags (categories) associated with the content being viewed. The tags vary depending on the selected menu.
  9. Trending Authors: Shows the authors who have recently contributed or shared the most trending prompts, datasources and agents with the community.


General Navigation and Management Across the Application

This section provides an overview of the common functionalities and actions available across various menus and pages within the application. The aim is to ensure a consistent and efficient user experience by maintaining uniformity in navigation and management features across both Private and Public projects.

Private Project Navigation:

In a Private project, you have exclusive access to your personalized content across the following menus:

Public Project Navigation:

In a Public project, you can engage with the community and explore content created by other users through the following sections:

While the context may vary depending on the specific page you're viewing, the core principles of action and functionality remain consistent. This unified approach ensures that whether you are navigating a private or public project, the experience is intuitive and user-friendly, facilitating effective management and exploration of content within the application.

Common Viewing Options

Search and Filtering Functionality

Sorting Options (Detailed View Only)

These standardized functionalities across different menus and pages are designed to simplify navigation and enhance the content management process within the application, promoting a coherent and user-friendly environment.

Discover - Menus

ELITEA application consists of the following main menus:


  1. To naviagte among the menus, click the ELITEA icon on the top left.
  2. The Sidebar menu is opened.
  3. Click on the menu name to navigate to the desired menu.
