Artifact Functionality Section

Private project - Artifacts menu

The Artifacts section in ELITEA provides a dedicated interface for managing artifact buckets and the files they contain. Artifacts are primarily used in conjunction with the Artifact Toolkit within ELITEA Agents, offering temporary storage for data and context during agent workflows. This section allows users to directly interact with artifact storage, enabling actions such as creating buckets, uploading and downloading files, managing retention policies, and organizing project-related data. Artifact storage is project-specific, accessible to project members, and is also available for private projects.



The Artifacts page features the following key components:


Artifact Functionality

This section describes the functionalities available within the Artifacts page:

Accessing the Artifacts Section


Searching and Filtering Buckets


Creating a New Bucket


Managing Bucket Retention Policy

Viewing Files in a Bucket

Uploading Files to a Bucket

Deleting a File from a Bucket


Downloading a File from a Bucket


Deleting a Bucket

Storage Usage Information


Q: What types of files can I upload to Artifact buckets?

A: You can upload all types of files to Artifact buckets within the Artifacts section. However, the Artifact Toolkit, used by ELITEA Agents, is primarily designed to work with plain text files. For using files with agents, please refer to the Artifact Toolkit documentation for supported file types.

Q: How can project members access files in Artifact buckets?

A: All members who have access to the Artifacts section can access all buckets and files within that project. They can view, upload, download, and delete files and buckets within the project's Artifact storage.

Q: I'm getting an "Internal Server Error" when trying to create a bucket.

A: This error can occur if the retention policy you have defined is invalid or exceeds the limitations of the storage system. Try the following:

Q: I am trying to create a bucket, but the "Save" button is not active.

A: The "Save" button might be disabled if:

Q: Some files are missing or lost from my Artifact bucket.

A: Files might be missing due to the following reasons: