Collections and Organizing Entities in ELITEA


This guide provides a comprehensive overview of Collections and Tags in ELITEA, powerful features designed to help you organize and manage your Entities effectively. In ELITEA, Entities refer to Prompts, Datasources, and Agents – the core building blocks of ELITEA and your AI-powered workflows. Whether you are working in your Private workspace, collaborating within a Team project, or contributing to the Public project, mastering these organizational tools is key to maximizing your efficiency and leveraging the full potential of ELITEA. This guide will walk you through the concepts, configuration, usage, and best practices for utilizing Tags and Collections.


Understanding Project Scopes:

Importance of Organizing Entities in ELITEA

As you build and utilize more Entities within ELITEA, effective organization becomes paramount. Without a robust organizational system, managing a growing number of entities can become challenging, leading to:

Tags and Collections in ELITEA directly address these challenges by providing intuitive and flexible ways to categorize, group, and manage your AI artifacts, ensuring you can quickly find, utilize, and share the resources you need, when you need them.

Overview of Tags

In ELITEA, Tags are your essential tool for categorizing and labeling individual Entities. Think of tags as keywords or labels that you attach to each Entity, allowing you to create a flexible and searchable organizational system. Tags are designed to:

Configuring Tags for Entities:

  1. Access Entity Configuration: Open the configuration settings for the Entity you want to tag.
  2. Locate "Tags" Input Box: Within the Configuration tab, find the Tags input box.
  3. Add Tags:
    • Type a Tag Name: Begin typing the desired tag name.
    • Select or Create: Select a suggested tag or create a new one by pressing Enter.
  4. Save Configuration: Click the Save button to save the Entity with the selected tags.


Note on 'code' Tag:

The tag named code is reserved for integration with the Alita Code extension. If you create and assign the tag code to Prompts, Agents, or Datasources within your ELITEA project, it enables a special synchronization feature.

Functionality of the code Tag:

Key Features of Tags:

Searching and Filtering Entities by Tags:


Overview of Collections

Collections in ELITEA offer a higher level of organization, grouping related Entities into logical units. Collections are designed to:

Configuration and Usage of Collections:

Creating Collections:

  1. Navigate to Collections Menu: Access the Collections menu in your Private or Team project.
  2. Create New Collection: Click the "+ Collection" button.
  3. Define Collection Details:
    • Name: Enter a descriptive Name for the collection.
    • Description: Write a concise Description explaining the collection's purpose.
  4. Create Collection: Click Create to create the collection.


Exploring Collections:

  1. Access Collections Menu: Navigate to the Collections menu.
  2. Open Collection: Click on a Collection Card or Name to view its contents.
  3. View Entities: Explore the list of Prompts, Datasources, and Agents within the collection.
  4. Interact with Entities: Within a collection, you can:
    • View and Open Entities
    • Modify Collection Details
    • Filter Collection by Tags
    • Publish Collection
    • Delete Collection
    • Export Collection


Filtering Entities within a Collection by Tabs and Tags:

Within the Collection Detail View, you can filter Entities by Type using tabs and further refine the list using Tags:


Modifying a Collection:

  1. Open Collection Detail View: Navigate to the Collections menu and open the desired collection.
  2. Edit Collection Details: Click the "Edit" icon.
  3. Update Information: Modify the Name and/or Description.
  4. Saving Changes: Click the "Save" button.

Here's the enhanced "Publishing a Collection (Public Project)" section with the added note clarifying the publishing requirements and behavior:

Publishing a Collection (Public Project):

  1. Open Collection Detail View: Navigate to the Collections menu and open the detail view of the collection you want to publish.
  2. Review Collection Contents: Ensure that the collection is complete, relevant, and contains at least one published entity from that collection before publishing the collection itself.
  3. Publishing Collection: Click the "Publish collection" icon within the collection detail view. This will submit the collection for review by ELITEA moderators.
  4. Moderation and Approval: The collection will be reviewed to ensure it meets ELITEA's quality and relevance guidelines. Once approved by a moderator, the collection will be published and become available in the Public project's Collections menu for community use.


Important Notes on Publishing Collections:

Deleting a Collection:

  1. Open Collections Menu: Navigate to the Collections menu.
  2. Locate Collection: Find the collection you want to delete.
  3. Delete Collection: Click the Delete icon.
  4. Confirmation: Confirm the deletion when prompted.

Exporting Collections:

  1. Open Collection Detail View: Navigate to the Collections menu and open the collection you want to export.
  2. Export Collection: Click the Export Collection icon.
  3. Download JSON File: A JSON file containing the collection data will be downloaded.

Importing Collections:

  1. Import Collection: Click the Import button in the Collections menu.
  2. Select Collection File: In the "Import Wizard," select the JSON file from your device.
  3. Configure Import Options: Choose the target project and select Entities to import.
  4. Start Import: Click the "Import" button.
  5. Locate Imported Entities: Find imported Entities in their respective menus (Prompts, Datasources, Agents).

Important Note on Collection Entity Recreation: The Collection entity itself is not automatically recreated during import.

For more information about importing collections and entities, please refer to the Export and Import Guide.

How to Add an Entity to a Collection

ELITEA offers a convenient way to add Prompts, Datasources, and Agents to your Collections, allowing you to build and curate your organized sets of entities efficiently.

Adding Entities from within the Entity Menus (Prompts, Datasources, Agents)

To add Entities to Collections from the Prompts, Datasources, or Agents menus as you are browsing or managing your individual entities.

  1. Navigate to Entity Menu: Go to the Prompts, Datasources, or Agents menu, depending on the type of entity you want to add to a Collection.
  2. Locate the Entity to Add: Find the specific Entity (Prompt, Datasource, or Agent) that you want to add to a Collection within the list. ELITEA offers two view options, and the process is similar in both:
    • Card list view: If you are viewing your entities in a card format, locate the desired entity card.
    • Table view: If you are viewing your entities in a table format, locate the entity you want to add in the list.
  3. To add entity to collection For the chosen Entity, locate and click the Bookmark icon.

    • Card list view: On the top right corner of the Entity's card.


    • Table view: In the Actions column, which is usually the last column in the table, click on the ellipsis icon (...) next to the entity. A dropdown menu will appear. Hover over or click on the "Add to collection" option.


  4. Select Target Collection: After clicking the Bookmark icon, a pop-up window will appear, displaying a list of your existing Collections.

    • Choose a Collection: Select the Collection to which you want to add the current Entity from the list.
  5. Entity Added to Collection: Once you select a Collection, the Entity will be automatically added to that Collection.

Best Practices and Examples: Organizing Entities in ELITEA

Effective organization with Tags and Collections is crucial for managing your AI assets in ELITEA. Here are some best practices and examples to guide you:

Tagging Strategies:

Example Tagging Scenarios:

Collection Strategies:

Example Collection Scenarios:

Combining Tags and Collections for Optimal Organization:

To further expand your knowledge and skills in organizing Entities and utilizing Collections within ELITEA, here are some helpful resources: